Holiday Camps

The Gift School offers holiday camps during the first week of every school holiday during the year: Toussaint (Fall), Winter, Spring and during the first four weeks of summer vacation.

These camps are bilingual sessions organized on a theme chosen by the school’s team of teachers and developed in a stimulating and happy learning environment.

Registrations are currently open for our Summer Camp between July 1st and August 2nd, 2024. Please see below.

Schedule and Meals

Morning welcome is between 9am and 9:20am and pick-up time is at 4:30pm (latest 5pm). Lunch is brought from home but morning and afternoon snacks (organic, locally sourced and zero waste) are provided by the school.

Price and Registration

Gift School bilingual camps are open to children aged 3 to 10 years old.

€220 per child per week (€160 for full time Gift School pupils) + €30 registration fees due once per school year.

Camp registration is confirmed only once the online contract has been signed and payment has been received.

Families who already have an Ecole Futée account with the Gift School can sign up directly in their account: Menu “Toutes les activités périscolaires” > “Inscrire mon enfant à une activité périscolaire” > choisir son enfant et « stage bilingue du … ».

For all new registrations, please click here to pre-register your child:

For any questions, please contact the Gift School Club de Loisirs: .

Bilingual Summer Camp at the Gift School